§ 206. Rate Schedule IS-Industrial Service.  

Latest version.
  • 1. 
    Application of Schedule. Effective February 1, 2010, this rate schedule is for large general service at secondary voltage or at a higher available voltage, at the option of the customer. Where necessary, the Borough furnishes and maintains one transformation from line voltage to a lower Borough standard service voltage.
    Net Monthly Rate:
    Customer service fee
    $12.62 per KW
    Demand charge all KW
    11.64¢ per KWH for the first
    25,000 KWH
    10.68¢ per KWH for
    Excess KWH
    Minimum Charge. The minimum monthly charge shall be no less than the KW rate for the first 50 KW.
    Billing KW. The billing demand is the average kilowatts supplied during the fifteen-minute period of maximum use during the current billing period, taken to the nearest whole kilowatt. All measured demands will be corrected to 85% power factor by multiplying the measured demand by the ratio of 85% power factor to the measured power factor, except that no reduction in the measured demand shall be made for power factors in excess of 85%. The power factor, measured to the nearest 0.1%, of the measured maximum fifteen-minute demand in the month, will be used for billing purposes.
    Payment. The above net rate applies to bills paid on or before the due date specified in the bill. When not so paid, the gross rate applies, which is the above rate plus 10% of the then unpaid balance of the monthly bill.
Res. 11/6/1974, § 5; as amended by Res. 4/2/1975; by Res. 18-81, 9/3/1981; by Res. 34-82, 9/1/1982; by Ord. 1004, 7/6/1994; by Ord. 1082, 1/6/2003, § 1; by Ord. 1094, 1/5/2004, § 1; by Ord. 1106, 3/2/2005; by Ord. 1128, 11/3/2007, § 1; by Ord. 1140, 1/7/2008; and by Ord. 1171, 4/7/2010