§ 803. Characteristics of Service Supplied.  

Latest version.
  • 1. 
    The company will furnish only alternating current at available company standard voltages:
    120 volts, 2-wire
    120/240 volts, 3-wire
    240 volts, 2-wire
    120/208 volts, 4-wire
    240 volts, 3-wire
    277/480 volts, 4-wire
    480 volts, 3-wire
    2,400 volts, 3-wire
    7,200/12,470 volts, 4-wire
    Electric service shall not be submetered or resold by the customer except as provided in wholesale or net metering rate ordinances or upon written consent of the company.
    The rates as adopted by the Council are based on the cost of providing service overhead. Underground service will be supplied in accordance with the common practice and any company regulations consistent therewith. In situations not covered by such rules, customers may secure underground service by paying the estimated difference in total cost between overhead and underground service.
    The company will undertake to furnish service to a building or a group of buildings of the customer for use only in or on the premises owned, leased to, occupied, or managed by the customer. Each such building or separate unit will be metered separately and considered a separate service. Adjoining buildings or groups of buildings located on a single or contiguous land parcel may receive service through a single meter, provided the customer furnishes the necessary electrical interconnection among the buildings or units and said buildings or units are used and operated by the customer and held out to the public as one single business unit. Any intervening fee ownership will act to break the contiguity of a land parcel. However, master metering to new multifamily dwelling units is prohibited. See "Submetering" [§ 824].
Ord. 1211, 9/2/2015