§ 102. Application for Service.  

Latest version.
  • 1. 
    A written application for service under one of the established rate schedules of the Electric Department shall be required by the owner of the property and/or premises. This "application for utility service" shall establish the property owner's responsibility for compliance with all relevant laws, rules and regulations of the Borough. By signing the application the owner shall also signify his understanding that if he elects to rent, lease or sublease the property to a third party who is to be billed for the electric service, the property owner shall still be liable for payment of any delinquent bills of the third party. After being notified in writing by the Borough, if the property owner shall refuse to pay a delinquent bill, the Borough may disconnect the electric service until payment (including any disconnection and reconnection fees) is made in full. The Borough shall also retain the right to file a lien against the premises in accordance with existing law for the collection and recovery of any delinquent account.
    A copy of the rate schedule and general terms, rules and regulations under which service is to be rendered will be furnished upon application at the office of the electric department.
    Standard contracts shall be for the terms as specified in the statement of the rate, but where large or special investment is necessary for the supply of service, contracts of longer term than specified in the rate, or with special guarantee of revenue, or both, may be required to safeguard that investment.
Ord. 425, 6/7/1950, Art. II, § 1; as amended by Ord. 987, 5/6/1992, § 1