§ 101. Rules and Regulations Form Part of All Electric Contracts.
§ 102. Application for Service.
§ 103. Temporary Service.
§ 104. Discontinuance of Service on Application of Customer; for Nonpayment of Bills.
§ 105. Reconnection After Discontinuance.
§ 106. Discontinuance of Service for Special Reasons.
§ 107. Access to Premises.
§ 108. Location of Service Connection.
§ 109. Responsibility of Customers for Wiring to Service Connection.
§ 110. Customer to Provide Supports for Service Brackets.
§ 111. Location of Supports.
§ 112. Termination of Borough's Service Equipment.
§ 113. Limited Number of Services Installed at Any Building.
§ 114. Complaints Regarding Service.
§ 115. Customer's Responsibility for Equipment.
§ 116. Tampering With Meters.
§ 117. Meter Tests on Application of Customer.
§ 118. Policy on Refund of Fee for Meter Test.
§ 119. Change in Service Requirements.
§ 120. Motors Larger Than 100 Horsepower.
§ 121. Horsepower of Motors Used on one-hundred-ten-volt Circuits.
§ 122. Correction of Phase Unbalance.
§ 123. Objectionable Voltage Fluctuations.
§ 124. Billing Changes.
§ 125. Additional Rules, Regulations and Restrictions Authorized.
§ 126. Continuity of Service.
§ 127. Fluorescent and Neon Lighting.
§ 128. List of Electric Rates to be Made Available for Inspection.
Ord. 425, 6/7/1950, Art. I, § 1