§ 404. Maintenance of Cellar Drains and Sump Pumps.  

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  • 1. 
    Every gravity cellar drain and sump pump connected into the drainage system shall at all times be kept open and free for the passage of water by the property owners; and that owner shall provide a screen for the gravity cellar drain in order to prevent dirt or material other than clear water from obstructing the passage of it; and the property owner shall, in every possible respect, minimize the flow of water through their system. No substances or material other than clear water may be discharged through gravity cellar drains or sump pump lines.
    All gravity cellar drains and sump pump lines constructed in the future shall be prohibited from permanently discharging onto Borough sidewalks. Also, all gravity cellar drains and future sump pump lines shall be prohibited from discharging into the street if any acceptable alternate means of discharge exists except in special circumstances subject to the discretion of the Borough Manager.
Ord. 1004, 7/6/1994